Task 34 Members:  2019-2021 Triennium

Each member country is represented a National Team Leader (NTL) with the responsibility of collecting information on activities in their country and disseminating information to interested organisations and persons in their country. Interested observers from the participating countries are encouraged to  contact their NTL about attending a Task meeting.

For information about Task activities or technology issues please contact Dr. Axel Funke, Task 34 Leader.

Axel Funke (Task 34 Leader)

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
D-76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany

Tel: +49 721 608 22391
Email: axel.funke@kit.edu
Web: www.kit.edu


Bert van de Beld

BTG Biomass Technology Group bv
Josink Esweg 34
7545 PN, The Netherlands

Tel: +31 53 486 1186
Email: vandebeld@btgworld.com
Web: www.btgworld.com


Christian Lindfors

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd
Ruukinmestarintie 2
02330, Espoo, Finland

Tel: +358 40 515 0429
Email: christian.lindfors@vtt.fi
Web: www.vtt.fi


Murlidhar Gupta

CanmetENERGY, Natural Resources Canada
1 Haanel Dr.
Ottawa ON, K1A 1M1, Canada

Tel: +1-613-996-5161
Email: Murlidhar.Gupta@NRCan-RNCan.gc.ca 
Web: https://natural-resources.canada.ca/energy/offices-labs/canmet/ottawa-research-centre/5753



Michael Thorson

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
902 Battelle Boulevard, PO Box 999
Richland, Washington, 99352 USA

Tel: +1 509 371 6789
Email: michael.thorson@pnnl.gov
Web: www.pnnl.gov


Lasse Rosendahl

Aalborg University Denmark
Department of Energy Technology
Pontoppidanstræde 111
DK-9220 Aalborg, Denmark

Tel: (+45) 9940 9263
Email: lar@et.aau.dk

Web: http://www.et.aau.dk


Francois Collard

Scion, Titokorangi Drive, Private Bag 3020
Rotorua 3046, New Zealand

Tel: +64 7 343 5614
Email: francois.collard@scionresearch.com
Web: www.scionresearch.com  

Pramod Kumar

HP Green R&D Centre,
Bengaluru, India 560067
Tel: +91-80-28078630
Mobile: +91-9740808877
Email: Pramodkumar@hpcl.in
Web: HP Green R&D