Issue | Date | Page | Title | Author | Institution | Country | Keywords |
PyNe 01 | 1996 | 1 | What is PyNe | Bridgewater, T. | Aston University | UK | Introduction |
PyNe 01 | 1996 | 9 | CIRAD-Foret | Girard, P. | CIRAD | France | conception Carbonisation Gasification Torrefaction Combustion |
PyNe 01 | 1996 | 10 | Joanneum Research | Spitzer, J. | Joanneum Research | Austria | conception Combustion flue gas cleaning |
PyNe 01 | 1996 | 11 | Federal Research Centre for Forestry and Fores Products | Meier, D. | Institute for wood chemistry and chemical technology | Germany | conception Lignin thermal conversion Analysis |
PyNe 01 | 1996 | 12 | Danish Technological Institute | Pedersen, K. | Danish Technological Institute | Denmark | conception Combustion Gasification Catalytic conversion |
PyNe 01 | 1996 | 13 | EC Gasification Network | Kaltschmitt, M. | University of Stuttgart | Germany | conception |
PyNe 02 | 1996 | 1 | Liquids from wood by fast pyrolysis | Bridgewater, T. | Aston University | UK | Fast pyrolysis wood |
PyNe 02 | 1996 | 5 | Pilot plant - flash pyrolysis of biomass | Meier, D. | Institute for wood chemistry and chemical technology | Germany | Pilot plant flash pyrolysis wood fluidized bed reactor |
PyNe 02 | 1996 | 6 | The Bastardo pyrolysis plant for bio-oil production by biomass | Rossi, C. | ENEL | Italy | Fast pyrolysis Demonstration plant Vegetable Research |
PyNe 02 | 1996 | 7 | Pasquali fast pyrolysis reactor | Rossi, C. | ENEL | Italy | Fast pyrolysis circulating fluid bed |
PyNe 02 | 1996 | 16 | Aston University | Bridgewater, T. | Aston University | UK | Conception |
PyNe 02 | 1996 | 17 | Chemical Engineering Scienc Laboratory (LSGC) of Nancy | Lede, J. | Chemical Engineering Scienc Laboratory (LSGC) of Nancy | France | Conception |
PyNe 03 | 1997 | 5 | Pyrovac Institute launches a new reactor enhancing heat transfer efficien continued | Ray, C. | Institut Pyrovac Inc | France | Conception |
PyNe 03 | 1997 | 6 | Pyrolysis in Norway - Production of Wood Tar | Fossum, M. | Norway | Wood Pilot plant Batch |
PyNe 03 | 1997 | 10 | Combustion of Pyrolysis Liquids | Gust, S. | Neste | Finland | Combustion Flash pyrolysis |
PyNe 03 | 1997 | 20 | Twente university | Van Swaaij Prins, W. | Twente University | The Netherlands | Conception Flash pyrolysis Characterisation |
PyNe 03 | 1997 | 21 | VTT Energy | Solantausta, Y. | VTT Energy | Finland | Conception |
PyNe 03 | 1997 | 22 | Analysis and characterisation | Meier, D. | Group Convenor | Germany | Conception Analysis |
PyNe 04 | 1997 | 1 | What is Pyrolysis Liquid? | Bridgewater, T. | Aston University | UK | Characterization |
PyNe 04 | 1997 | 4 | Chemicals and Materials from Bio-oil | Radlein, D. | Resource Transforms International Ltd | Canada | Bio-Oil Fast pyrolyses Analysis Chemicals |
PyNe 04 | 1997 | 8 | SINTEF | Fossum, M. | SINTEF | Norway | Conception Combustion Pyrolysis Plant |
PyNe 04 | 1997 | 9 | Université Henri Poincar, Nancy, France | Zoulalain | Université Henri Poincar, Nancy | France | Conception |
PyNe 04 | 1997 | 10 | Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium | Maggi, R. | Université Catholique de Louvain | Belgium | Conception Fast Pyrolysis |
PyNe 04 | 1997 | 12 | The Toxicity of Biomass Liquids Formed at Low Temperatures | Czernik, S. | NREL | USA | Toxicity Characterization Fast Pyrolysis |
PyNe 04 | 1997 | 16 | PKA Pyrolysis | Kempf, W. | PKA | Germany | Conception Sewage sludge Research plant |
PyNe 04 | 1997 | 17 | Fuel Testing Methods for Bio-oil | Oasmaa, A. | VTT Energy | Finland | Analysis |
PyNe 04 | 1997 | 18 | Dynamotive Technologies Biotherm™ Fast Pyrolysis | McAllister, R. | DynaMotive | Canada | Conception |
PyNe 04 | 1997 | 20 | The European Market for Bio-oil use in Internal Combustion Engines | Burnett, S. | Impax Capital Corporation Ltd. | UK | Omrod-Diesels Transportation Fuels |
PyNe 04 | 1997 | 21 | PyNE visit to Chemviron Carbon | Peacocke, C. | Aston University | UK | Conception Wood |
PyNe 05 | 1998 | 4 | Mass transfer may play a role in determining cellulose pyrolysis kinetics | Suuberg, E. M. | Brown University | USA | Mass transfer Kynetics Heating rate |
PyNe 05 | 1998 | 6 | Compact power | Acton, J. | Compact Power | UK | Conception Pilot Plant |
PyNe 05 | 1998 | 7 | Catalytic upgrading of biomass-derived oils | Bakhshi, N. | University of Saskatchewan | Canada | Conception Upgrading Research Characterization Canola Oil |
PyNe 05 | 1998 | 8 | University of Zaragoza | Arauzo, J. | University of Zaragoza | Spain | Conception |
PyNe 05 | 1998 | 11 | INETI – national institute of engineering and industrial technology | Pinta, F. | INETI | Portugal | Conception Flash pyrolysis Combustion Fast Pyrolysis |
PyNe 05 | 1998 | 16 | Pyrolysis modelling | Di Blasi, C. | University of Napoli | Italy | Modelling |
PyNe 05 | 1998 | 17 | Co-combustion of biomass based on a fluid bed Pyrolysis Unit | Houmøller, S. | dk-TEKNIK Energy and Environment | Denmark | Co-Combustion Straw research |
PyNe 05 | 1998 | 18 | Solar energy and biomass pyrolysis | Lédé, J. | CNRS-ENSIIC | France | Solar Energy Flash Pyrolysis Research |
PyNe 06 | 1998 | 4 | A Role for pyrolysis in vegetable oil biodiesel formation | Boocock | University of Toronto | Canada | Bio-Diesel Vegetable Oil |
PyNe 06 | 1998 | 5 | Pyrolysis of Polymers | Kaminsky, W. | University of Hamburg | Germany | Pilot Plant |
PyNe 06 | 1998 | 6 | Binders for the Wood Industry made with Pyrolysis Oil | Nakos, P. | Sapemus Chemie GmBH | Germany | Conception Characterization |
PyNe 06 | 1998 | 8 | Union Electrica Fenosa | Matas, A. | Union Electrica Fenosa | Spain | Conception Fast Pyrolysis Pilot Plant Research |
PyNe 06 | 1998 | 10 | Mass Transfer may play a role in determining cellulose pyrolysis kinetics Part 2 | Suuberg, E. M. | Brown University | USA | Mass transfer Kynetics Heating rate |
PyNe 06 | 1998 | 12 | Recent EC Sponsored Projects on Fast Pyrolysis | Boukis, Y. | CRES | Greece | Fast Pyrolysis |
PyNe 06 | 1998 | 14 | Biomass Pyrolysis at the Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry | Dobele, G. | Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry | Latvia | Conception Wood Chararcterization |
PyNe 06 | 1998 | 16 | Universita Di Napoli Federico II | Di Blasi, C. | University of Napoli | Italy | Conception |
PyNe 06 | 1998 | 18 | TPS Termiska Processer AB | Morris, M. | TPS | Sweden | Conception Research Gasification |
PyNe 07 | 1999 | 4 | Adhesives from Biomass Pyrolysis Oil | Kelley, S. | NREL | USA | Fast Pyrolysis |
PyNe 07 | 1999 | 5 | Bio-fuel System Materials Testing | Fuleki, D. | Orenda | Canada | Material Testing |
PyNe 07 | 1999 | 11 | RTI Ð Resource Transforms International Ltd. | Radlein, D. | RTI | Canada | Conception |
PyNe 07 | 1999 | 12 | CRES - Centre for Renewable Energy Sources | Boukis, Y. | CRES | Greece | Conception Fast Pyrolysis Pilot Plant Gasification |
PyNe 07 | 1999 | 14 | Wellman Process Engineering Limited | McLellan, R. | Wellman Process Engineering | UK | Conception Gasification Fast Pyrolysis |
PyNe 07 | 1999 | 16 | BTG - Biomass Technology Group | Prins, W. Wagenaar, B. | BTG - Biomass Technology Group | The Netherlands | Conception Gasification Flash Pyrolysis |
PyNe 08 | 1999 | 4 | Biocarbons Corporation | Himmelblau, A, | Biocarbons Corporation | USA | Conception |
PyNe 08 | 1999 | 5 | Fineline Leads & Carbon Pigments made from Pyrolysis of Cellulose and Lignin Derivatives | Handl, W. | Staedtler Mars GmbH | Germany | Conception |
PyNe 08 | 1999 | 6 | Hydrogen from Biomass by Catalytic Steam Reforming of Fast Pyrolysis Oil | Czernik, S. | NREL | USA | Fast Pyrolysis Gasification |
PyNe 08 | 1999 | 8 | The importance of Bio-Energy to Ireland`s future Energy Supply | Buckley, P. | Trinity College | Ireland | Transportation Fuel Alternative energy Fast Pyrolyses |
PyNe 08 | 1999 | 11 | Recycling of Agricultural Materials as a Novel Slow Release Fertiliser | Bridgewater, T. | Aston University | UK | Research Agricultural Material Fertilizer |
PyNe 08 | 1999 | 12 | A Full Scale Pyrocyclingª Pilot Plant has been built in Jonquire, Qubec | Roy, C. | Pyrovac International Inc | Canada | Pilot Plant |
PyNe 08 | 1999 | 13 | Border Biofuels | Seed, J. | Border Biofuels Limited | UK | Pilot Plant Project |
PyNe 08 | 1999 | 14 | IPTÐ The Institute for Technological Research | Ushima, A. | IPT | Brazil | Conception Analysis Standards Research Demonstration Plant |
PyNe 09 | 2000 | 1 | Liquid Smoke: A Natural Flavour from Hard Wood Pyrolysis | Ramakrishnan, S. | Hickory Specialties | USA | Liquid Smoke Hard Wood |
PyNe 09 | 2000 | 2 | Biomass Pyrolysis Modelling – Status and Needs | Di Blasi, C. | University of Napoli | Italy | Workshop Modelling |
PyNe 09 | 2000 | 4 | PARSIM, a model for pyrolysis of large particles of biomass | Steiner, G. Staudinger, G. | Graz University of Technology | Austria | Modelling Research |
PyNe 09 | 2000 | 6 | ‘Bio-Oils’ to ‘Tars’ | Milne, T. Evans, B. | NREL | USA | Characterization |
PyNe 09 | 2000 | 7 | Anaerobic Digestion of Bio-Oil | Barclay, J. | CANMET | Canada | Fast Pyrolysis |
PyNe 09 | 2000 | 8 | Bio fuel oil – Upgrading by hot filtration and novel physical methods JOR3-CT98-0253 | Solantausta, Y. | VTT Energy | Finland | Power Plant Filtering Handling Storage |
PyNe 09 | 2000 | 10 | Stability of Bio-Oil A review of the chemical and physical mechanisms of the storage stability of fast pyrolysis oils | Diebold, J. | Thermalchemie | USA | Mechanism Storage Fast Pyrolysis Aging |
PyNe 09 | 2000 | 11 | The Agricultural Research Centre | Schenkel, Y. | CRA | Belgium | Conception Research |
PyNe 09 | 2000 | 12 | Agricultural University of Athens Laboratory of Farm Structures | Abeliotis, K. | AUA | Greece | Conception Characterization |
PyNe 10 | 2000 | 2 | Successful pilot-plant project in the Netherlands | Prins, W. | BTG | The Netherlands | Pilot Plant Characterization Success Story |
PyNe 10 | 2000 | 4 | Vacuum pyrolysis breakthrough | Roy, C. | Pyrovac Inc | Canada | Demonstration Plant |
PyNe 10 | 2000 | 5 | The commercial development of bio-oil as a ‘New Renewable | Grierson, D. | Derwentside District Council | UK | Forestry residues |
PyNe 10 | 2000 | 6 | DynaMotive 2000 Progress Report | Robson, A. | DynaMotive Europe Limited | UK | Progress Pilot Plant |
PyNe 10 | 2000 | 7 | HTU pilot plant HTU on stream | Goudriaan, F. | Biofuel B.V. | The Netherlands | HTU Pilot Plant |
PyNe 10 | 2000 | 8 | BIO-EMULSION – Development of a bio-crude-oil/diesel emulsion | Baglioni, P. | University of Florence | Italy | Emulsion Diesel Combustion |
PyNe 10 | 2000 | 9 | Slow release fertilisers by pyrolytic recycling of agricultural waste | Bridgewater, T. | Aston University | UK | Fertiliser Recycling Waste Success Story |
PyNe 10 | 2000 | 10 | Wood adhesives made with pyrolysis oil | Tsiantzi, S. Athanassiadou, E. | Adhesives Research Institute Ltd. | Greece | Fast Pyrolysis Phenol Substitution Wood Success Story |
PyNe 10 | 2000 | 12 | Wellman integrated fast pyrolysis pilot plant | Mc Lellan, R. | Wellman Process Engineering | UK | Conception Fast Pyrolysis Pilot Plant |
PyNe 10 | 2000 | 13 | Pyrolysis oil combustion tests in an industrial boiler | Oasmaa, A. Kytö, M. | VTT Energy Oilon Oy | Finland | Conception Characteristic Combustion Test Success Story |
PyNe 10 | 2000 | 14 | Transport requirements for fast pyrolysis liquids | Peacocke, C. | CARE Ltd | UK | Transport Fast Pyrolysis Requirements Success Story |
PyNe 10 | 2000 | 15 | Progress in utilisation of bio-oil in diesel engines | Omrod, D. Webster, A. | Ormrod Diesels | UK | Diesel Evaluation |
PyNe 10 | 2000 | 19 | Biomass fast pyrolysis liquid feed to a stirling engine with FLOX® burner | Bandi, A. | ZSW | Germany | Fast Pyrolysis Test Success Story |
PyNe 11 | 2001 | 1 | 25 tpd border biofuels/Dynamotive PLANT in the UK | Robson, A. | DynaMotive Europe Limited | UK | Feedstock Pilot Plant Power Generation Plant Fast Pyrolysis |
PyNe 11 | 2001 | 3 | The Hawaii Natural Energy Institute | Hirata, G. | University of Hawaii | USA | Conception Charcoal |
PyNe 11 | 2001 | 6 | An environment-friendly oil sorbent from wood by heat-treatment | Umehara, K. | Hokkaido Forest Products Research Institute | Japan | Low Temperature Softwood Patent |
PyNe 11 | 2001 | 10 | ENEL pilot plant | Neri, G. | ENEL Production | Italy | Conception Pyrolysis Plant Hardwood Sawdust |
PyNe 11 | 2001 | 11 | TNO environment energy and process innovation (TNO MEP) | Zeevalkink, J. | TNO | The Netherlands | Conception HTU Pilot Plant Flash Pyrolysis Gasification |
PyNe 12 | 2001 | 2 | Low-temperature pyrolysis of CCA treated wood waste | Helsen, L. Van den Bulck, E. | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven | Belgium | Low Temperature Metals |
PyNe 12 | 2001 | 4 | Finnish Consortium Fortum and Vapo announce construction of pyrolysis pilot plant | Gust, S. | Fortum | Finland | Pilot Plant Forestry Residues |
PyNe 12 | 2001 | 5 | Biomass pyrolysis at NREL | Czernik, S. | NREL | USA | Conception Catalytic Steam Reformer Gasification |
PyNe 12 | 2001 | 6 | Implementation of biomass pyrolysis in austria – Investigation of possibilities | Lauer, M. | Joanneum Research | Austria | Fuel Competitiveness |
PyNe 12 | 2001 | 13 | Pyrolysis research at advanced fuel research, Inc. (AFR) | Serio, M. | AFR | USA | Conception Research Analysis |
PyNe 13 | 2002 | 3 | Slow pyrolysis for charcoal | Schenkel, Y. Grønli, M. | CRA SINTEF | Belgium Norway | Slow Pyrolysis Charcoal Flash Carbonisation |
PyNe 13 | 2002 | 4 | Entrained flow gasification of bio-oil | Venderbosch, R. Van den Beld, B. Prins, W. | BTG | The Netherlands | Gasification Comparison Gasifier |
PyNe 13 | 2002 | 6 | The use of charcoal in norwegian ferrosilicon production | Grønli, M. Monsen, B. | SINTEF | Norway | Charcoal Silicon Carbonisation Feasibility study |
PyNe 13 | 2002 | 8 | Biocoal from groundnut shells – a promising approach for Senegal | Jargstorf, B. | Factor 4 Energy Projects | Germany | Groundnut Shells Pyrolysis Plant |
PyNe 13 | 2002 | 10 | New biomass refinery technology for production of charcoal | Flottvik, J. | JF Ventures | Canada | Charcoal Pilot Plant Production Plant |
PyNe 14 | 2002 | 1 | Ensyn announces commissioning of new biomass facility | Freel, B. | Ensyn Technologies | Canada | Conception Pyrolysis Pilot Plant Refining |
PyNe 14 | 2002 | 3 | The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) | Czernik, S. | NREL | USA | Conception Pilot Plant Pyrolysis |
PyNe 14 | 2002 | 4 | Global markets and technologies for torrefied wood in 2002 | Arcate, J. | Transnational Technology LLC | USA | Torrefaction |
PyNe 14 | 2002 | 6 | Low temperature fast pyrolysis of lignocellulose | Hermescec, B. Butt, D. | University of Melbourne | Australia | Combustion Fast Pyrolysis Lignocellulose |
PyNe 15 | 2003 | 1 | Energy and activated carbon from environmental tree crops | Stucley, C. | Enecon Pty Ltd | Australia | Demonstration plant Industry Energy production Activated carbon |
PyNe 15 | 2003 | 6 | Fast pyroliquefaction or pyrogasification of biomass in a cyclone reactor | Lédé, J. Ferrer, M. Broust, F. | CNRS-LSGC | France | Fast pyrolysis Pyroliquification Pyrogasification Cracking Sawdust Cyclone reactor |
PyNe 15 | 2003 | 7 | Belgian actors in pyrolysis technologies and research | Schenkel, Y. | CRA | Belgium | Industry Survey Research Pilot plant Flash pyrolysis |
PyNe 15 | 2003 | 10 | Recovery of chemicals from pyrolignous liquors from charcoal production | Mares, J. | France | Pyroligneous liquor Industry Extraction Destillation |
PyNe 15 | 2003 | 11 | Technical and non – technical barriers for implementation of fast pyrolysis technologies | Prins, W. | BTG | The Netherlands | Fast pyrolysis |
PyNe 16 | 2003 | 1 | Bio-oil upgrading by hydrogenation | Elliott, D. | PNNL | USA | Research Fast Pyrolysis |
PyNe 16 | 2003 | 2 | Forestera™ – liquefied wood fuel pilot plant | Nieminen, J-P. Gust, S. Nyrönen, T. | Fortum Oil and Gas Oy | Finland | Industry Fast pyrolysis Pilot plant Characterisation Heating fuel |
PyNe 16 | 2003 | 6 | Large volume, low cost biomass production from environmental tree crops in Australia | Bartle, J. | Department of Conservation and Land Management | Australia | Pyrolysis |
PyNe 16 | 2003 | 7 | Latin america thematic network on bio-energy | Janssen, R. | LAMNET | Germany | Networking |
PyNe 16 | 2003 | 8 | Opportunities for bio-oil in european heat and power markets | Lauer, M. Brammer, J. Bridgewater, T. | Joanneum Research Aston University | Austria UK | Bio Oil |
PyNe 17 | 2004 | 1 | New ablative pyrolyser in operation in germany | Meier, D. Schoell, S. Klaubert, H. | BFH-Institute for Wood Chemistry PYTEC | Germany | Industry Pyrolysis Wood |
PyNe 17 | 2004 | 2 | Supergen on bio-energy | Bridgewater, T. | Aston University | UK | Fast pyrolysis Research |
PyNe 17 | 2004 | 4 | Fast pyrolysis studies at Iowa State University | Brown, R. | Iowa State University | USA | Pilot Plant Fast Pyrolysis Research Pine Wood |
PyNe 17 | 2004 | 6 | Fast pyrolysis of biomass with a twin screw reactor – a first BTL step | Henrich, E. | Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe | Germany | Fast Pyrolysis |
PyNe 17 | 2004 | 8 | Bioware process – a fast pyrolysis technology for biomass developed in brazil | Rocha, J.D. Olivarez Gomez, E. Mesa Perez, J.M. | Bioware Tecnologia LtD | Brazil | Fast pyrolysis Ligno-cellusose Pilot plant Characterisation Heating fuel |
PyNe 17 | 2004 | 12 | First torrefied wood successfully co-fired | Weststeyn, A. | Essent Energie BV | The Netherlands | Torrefied Wood |
PyNe 18 | 2005 | 1 | An update on the West Lorne bio-oil project | Robson, A. | DynaMotive Europe Limited | UK | Industry Pyrolysis Energy production |
PyNe 18 | 2005 | 3 | The need for european standards for liquid and gaseous alternative fuels | Oasmaa, A. | VTT Energy | Finland | Pyrolysis Heating fuel Transportation fuel |
PyNe 18 | 2005 | 5 | Bio-oil from woody biomass – a sustainable fuel for Australia | Honnery, D. | Monash University | Australia | research Fast pyrolysis Transportation fuel |
PyNe 19 | 2006 | 1 | Pyrolysis of palm oil residues in Malaysia | Venderbosch, R. Gansekoele, E. Florijn, J.F. Assink, D. | BTG | The Netherlands | Industry Pyrolysis Empty fruit bunches |
PyNe 19 | 2006 | 3 | New developments in ablative fast pyrolysis at PYTEC, Germany | Meier, D. Schoell, S. Klaubert, H. | BFH-Institute for Wood Chemistry PYTEC | Germany | Industry Pyrolysis Wood chips Transportation fuel |
PyNe 19 | 2006 | 4 | Catalytic hydrogenation of bio-oil for chemicals and fuels | Elliott, D. | PNNL | USA | Research Hydro-cracking |
PyNe 19 | 2006 | 6 | Environmental enhancement through cornstover utilisation | Brown, R. | Iowa State University | USA | research Pyrolysis Cornstover |
PyNe 19 | 2006 | 8 | Biotox – bio-oil toxicity assessment | Blin J. Girard, P. | Cirad | France | Research Pyrolysis Fast pyrolysis Analysis Characterisation |
PyNe 20 | 2006 | 1 | Biorefining and Carbon Cycling Program at the University of Georgia | Das, K.C. | University of Georgia | USA | Research Pyrolysis |
PyNe 20 | 2006 | 2 | Biomass Fast Pyrolysis in a Fluidised Bed: Results of Modeling and Laboratory Scale Experiments | Prins, W. | University of Twente | The Netherlands | Research Fast pyrolysis Wood In-bed filtration Analysis |
PyNe 20 | 2006 | 5 | Upgrading of Flash Pyrolysis Liquid using Mild Oxidation with Ozone | Mahfud, J. Heeres, H.J. | University of Groningen | The Netherlands | Research Flash pyrolysis Transportation fuel |
PyNe 20 | 2006 | 6 | Pyrolysis of Perennial Grasses from Southern Europe | Coulson, M. | Aston University | UK | Research Pyrolysis Perennial grasses Analysis Charakterisation |
PyNe 20 | 2006 | 8 | Preconditioning of Biomass Through Fast Pyrolysis for Different Biofuels Applications (PRECOND’) | Broust, F. Girard, P. | CIRAD-Forestry Department | France | Research Fast pyrolysis Transportation fuel Pilot plant |
PyNe 20 | 2006 | 9 | The All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Electrification of Agriculture (VIESH) | Strebkov, D. | VIESH | Russia | Research Pyrolysis Pilot plant Energy production Wood sawdust |
PyNe 20 | 2006 | 11 | PyNe Biorefinery Task Activity Report Lignin Pyrolysis Round Robin | Elliot, D. | PNNL | USA | Research Pyrolisis Lignin Conception |
PyNe 20 | 2006 | 12 | Characterisation and Analysis of Pyrolysis Liquids – Progress in PyNe | Oasmaa, A. Meier, D. | VTT BFH-IWC | Finland Germany | Research Pyrolysis Analysis Characterisation |
PyNe 21 | 2006 | 1 | Examples of Biomass Utilisation in South Africa – Application of Slow Pyrolysis | Honsbein, D. | Aston University | UK | Industry Slow pyrolysis Wood |
PyNe 21 | 2006 | 3 | Fast Pyrolysis of Biomass in a Circulating Fluidised Bed (CFB) | Van de Velden, M. Baeyens, J. | University of Birmingham University of Leuven | UK Belgium | Industry Fast pyrolysis Conception Analysis |
PyNe 21 | 2006 | 8 | Progress in the Biorefineries Task in PyNe | Elliot, D. Bridgewater, T. | PNNL Aston University | USA UK | Research Conception Pyrolysis lignin |
PyNe 22 | 2007 | 1 | The Evolution of Energy – Biomass to BioOil | Barynin, J. | DynaMotiv Energy System | Canada | Industry Fast pyrolysis Heating fuel Energy production |
PyNe 22 | 2007 | 4 | Renewable Adhesives for Wood Composites | Athanassiadou, E. | Chimar Hellas | Greece | Industry Pyrolysis |
PyNe 22 | 2007 | 6 | Time Dependant Calorific Value and Oxygen Demand of Volatiles – Including Tars | Maurer, C. Raupenstrauch, H. | University of Graz University of Leoben | Austria | Research Pyrolysis Wood pellets Analysis |
PyNe 23 | 2007 | 1 | Biooil® Production at Dynamotive’s Guelph Plant | Barynin, J. | DynaMotiv Energy System | Canada | Industry Heating fuel Transportation Fuel |
PyNe 23 | 2007 | 2 | Converting Agricultural Wastes into Valuable Green Fuels and Green Fuels and Green Chemicals | Berutti, F. Briens, C. | University of Western Ontario | Canada | Research Fast pyrolysis |
PyNe 23 | 2007 | 4 | BEST Pyrolysis Technology: A Solution for the Greenhouse Challenge | Downie, A. | BEST Energies | Australia | Industry Slow pyrolysis Demonstration plant |
PyNe 23 | 2007 | 7 | The Application of Ceramic Filters to Pyrolysis Gas Cleaning | Startin, A. | Madison Filter Ltd. | UK | Industry Pyrolysis |
PyNe 23 | 2007 | 10 | Biomass Pyrolysis Studies at the Chemical Research Center in Hungary | Jakob, E. | Institute of Materials and Environmental Chemistry Budapest | Hungary | Research Pyrolysis Analysis |
PyNe 23 | 2007 | 11 | Food Additives from Bio-Oil | Meier, D. | BFH-IWC | Germany | Industry Slow pyrolysis Wood |
PyNe 24 | 2008 | 1 | Hot filtration of fast pyrolysis vapours | Sitzmann, J. | Aston University | UK | Research Fast pyrolysis Beech wood Analysis |
PyNe 24 | 2008 | 4 | Opportunities for biorenewables in petroleum refineries | Holmgren, J. Marinangeli, R. Marker, T. | UOP | USA | Industry Fast pyrolysis Analysis Transportation fuel |
PyNe 24 | 2008 | 7 | Current Status of biomass pyrolysis in brazil | Rocha, J.D. Mesa-Perez, J.M. Cortez, L.A.B. | Universidade Estadual de Campinos & Bioware Tecnologie | Brazil | Industry Pyrolysis |
PyNe 24 | 2008 | 9 | Transportable pyrolysis: a solution to poultry litter disposal | Agblevor, F.A. | Virginia Politechnic Institute and State University | USA | Industry Fast pyrolysis Poultry litter Demonstration plant |
PyNe 25 | 2008 | 2 | PyNe - where it started, how it evolved and where it could go | Bridgewater, T. | Aston University | UK | Fast pyrolysis |
PyNe 25 | 2008 | 2 | PyNe continuation IEA Bioenergy Task 34 pyrolysis | Elliot, D. | PNNL | USA | Pyrolysis |
PyNe 25 | 2008 | 3 | The Carbon Trust ‘Pyrolysis Challenge’ | Trezona, R. | The Carbon Trust | UK | Conception Pyrolysis Transportation fuel |
PyNe 25 | 2008 | 5 | UOP and Ensyn to Form Joint Venture to Offer Second- Generation Biomass Technology | UOP LLC | USA | Industry Fast pyrolysis Transportation fuel |
PyNe 25 | 2008 | 9 | Registration of Fast Pyrolysis Liquids under REACH | Oasmaa, A. | VTT | Finland | REACH Analysis Fast Pyrolysis |
PyNe 26 | 2009 | 2 | Integrated Heat, Electricity and Bio-oil | Lehtoa, J. Jokelab, P. Solantaustac, Y. Oasmaa, Anja | Metso Power UPM | Finland | Conception Pilot Plant Combustion Fast Pyrolysis |
PyNe 26 | 2009 | 4 | Pyrolysis research in Australia gets a boost | Honnery, D. | University of Monash | Australia | Research Government Program Conception |
PyNe 26 | 2009 | 6 | Sustainable fertilisers | Bridgewater, T. | Aston University | UK | Fertilizer Gasification |
PyNe 26 | 2009 | 8 | IKERLAN-IK4 fast pyrolysis pilot plant: Bio-Oil and Char production from biomass | Fernandez Akareggi, R. | Ikerlan IK 4 | Spain | Conception Fast Pyrolysis Pilot Plant |
PyNe 26 | 2009 | 10 | PNNL | Zacher, A. | PNNL | USA | Conception Fast Pyrolysis Research Hydrotreating |
PyNe 26 | 2009 | 15 | IEA Bioenergy Tasks 34 & 42 cooperation on a lignin pyrolysis biorefinery | De Wild, P. | ECN | The Netherlands | Lignin Cooperation Pyrolysis Valorization Hydrogenolysis Case Study |
PyNe 27 | 2010 | 3 | EMPYRO Project Summary | Muggen, G. | BTG-BTL | The Netherlands | Conception Pyrolysis Plant Wood Project Flash Pyrolysis |
PyNe 27 | 2010 | 6 | ARS-USDA Biomass Fast Pyrolysis Research at ERRC | Boateng, A. | Eastern Regional Research Center | USA | Conception Fast Pyrolysis Research |
PyNe 27 | 2010 | 8 | Fast Pyrolysis in the bioliq® process | Dahmen, N. | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | Germany | Conception Synthetic fuel Gasification Fast Pyrolysis Pilot Plant |
PyNe 27 | 2010 | 11 | Ensyn Technologies | Müller, S. | Ensyn Technologies Inc. | Canada | Conception Fast Pyrolysis Pilot Plant |
PyNe 27 | 2010 | 13 | Pyrovac Process | Roy, C. | Vaperma Inc. | Canada | Conception Project Vakuum Pyrolysis Slow Pyrolysis Fast Pyrolysis |
PyNe 27 | 2010 | 16 | Mississippi State University Follows Multiple Routes to Biofuels from Bio-oil | Steele, P. | Mississippi State University | USA | Conception Liquid Fuel Research Hydroprocessing Analysis Esterification |
PyNe 27 | 2010 | 18 | Fast Pyrolysis Reactors Worldwide | Bridgewater, T | Aston University | UK | Fast Pyrolysis Reactors |
PyNe 27 | 2010 | 21 | Ghent University update | Wolter, P. | Ghent University | Belgium | Conception Fast Pyrolysis Catalysis Pilot Plant Biochar Characterization Torrefaction |
PyNe 27 | 2010 | 24 | Hydrous Thermolysis of Biomass Production of Hodge Carbonyls and Oligomeric Lignin | Piskorz, J. Majerski, P. | Resource Transforms International Ltd | Canada | Fast Pyrolysis Research Characterization Lignocellulose Fertilizer |
PyNe 28 | 2010 | 3 | Bio-oil production, integrated to a fluidized bed boiler—experiences from a pilot operation | Oasmaa, A | VTT | Finland | Conception Pilot Plant Analysis |
PyNe 28 | 2010 | 5 | Pilot Scale Biorefinery | Rekoske, J. | UOP | USA | Transport Fuel Hydroconversion Project Transportation Fuel RTP Pilot Plant |
PyNe 28 | 2010 | 8 | Computational modelling of biomass fast pyrolysis process | Gu, S. | University of Southampton | UK | Modelling Fast Pyrolysis |
PyNe 28 | 2010 | 11 | Assay of corrosion resistance of two selected metals exposed to bio-oil | Strenziok, R. Rickhoff, H. | University of Rostock | Germany | Corrosion Research |
PyNe 28 | 2010 | 14 | Round-up: international collaboration results on lignin processing | Nowakowski, D. | Aston University | UK | Lignin Pyrolysis Round Robin Analysis Research |
PyNe 28 | 2010 | 18 | Microwave pyrolysis for chemicals and energy from biomass | Clark, J. | University of York | UK | Microwaven Pyrolysis Torrefaction Carbonisation |
PyNe 28 | 2010 | 21 | HydroThermal Liquefaction of biomass | Elliot, D. | PNNL | USA | HTL Lignocellulose Hydroprocessing |
PyNe 28 | 2010 | 24 | Transportable bioenergy systems | Fransham, P. | ABRI-Tech | Canada | Transportable System Pyrolysis Dryer Gasification |
PyNe 28 | 2010 | 28 | High-value chemicals in bio-oil derived by the fast pyrolysis of agricultural residues | Monreal, C. Kazi, Z. Schnitzer, M. | Agriculture and Agri-Food | Canada | Chemicals Fast Pyrolysis Agricultural Research Characterization |
PyNe 28 | 2010 | 32 | Slow pyrolysis research in Finland | Fagernäs, L. | VTT | Finland | Slow Pyrolysis Research Hardwood |
PyNe 28 | 2010 | 34 | IEA Tasks 34–42 co-operation on a lignin pyrolysis biorefinery | De Wild, P. | ECN | The Netherlands | Lignin Cooperation Intertask Pyrolysis |
PyNe 29 | 2011 | 3 | Envergent Technologies and Ensyn demonstrate renewable liquid fuel for heat and power at Crane & Co | Müller, S. | Ensyn Technologies Inc. | Canada | Liquid fuel Research Forest Residues |
PyNe 29 | 2011 | 5 | USA - South African Collaboration on Combustion-Reduction Integrated Pyrolysis System (CRIP) | Boateng, A. Heydenrych, M. | Eastern Regional Research Center University of Pretoria | USA South africa | Pyrolysis |
PyNe 29 | 2011 | 7 | The greenhouse gas emission saving of logging residue-based pyrolysis oil | Sorsa, R. | VTT | Finland | Greenhouse Pyrolysis oil Fast Pyrolysis |
PyNe 29 | 2011 | 10 | Direct production of gasoline and diesel from biomass using integrated hydropyrolysis and hydroconversion (IH2) | Marker, T. | Gas Technology Institute | USA | Fuel Hydropyrolysis Hydroconversion Acid-Catalyzed Fast Pyrolysis Pilot Plant |
PyNe 29 | 2011 | 13 | Woody biomass catalytic pyrolysis research at Åbo Akademi University | Aho, A. | Åbo Akademi University | Finland | Research Pyrolysis Combustion Pyrolysisi reactor Pine Wood |
PyNe 29 | 2011 | 16 | IEA Tasks 34–42 co-operation on a lignin pyrolysis biorefinery | De Wild, P. | ECN | The Netherlands | Lignin Pyrolysis Biorefinery Technical Issues Fast Pyrolysis |
PyNe 29 | 2011 | 18 | A methodology for the generation and evaluation of biorefinery chains | Bridgewater, T. | Aston University | UK | Biorefinery chains Methodology Evaluation Project |
PyNe 29 | 2011 | 20 | Biomass conversion research at Utah State University | Agblevor, F. | Utah State University | USA | Research Algae Wood Lignocellulose Biofuel Conversion Pyrolysis Conception |
PyNe 29 | 2011 | 23 | Modelling an integrated fast pyrolysis process with Aspen Plus | Onarheim, K. | VTT | Finland | Aspen Process concept Fast Pyrolysis |
PyNe 29 | 2011 | 26 | Lignin pyrolysis testing at different temperatures | Nowakowski, D. | Aston University | UK | Lignin Pyrolysis Temperature Research |
PyNe 30 | 2011 | 3 | Catalytic pyrolysis research at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) | Mullen, C. Boateng, A. | Agricultural Research Service | USA | Research Pyrolysis |
PyNe 30 | 2011 | 6 | Pyrolysis oil conversion research at University of Toronto | Thomson, M. | University of Toronto | Canada | Research Fast Pyrolysis Hardwood Heating Fuel |
PyNe 30 | 2011 | 8 | New European standards for solid biofuels | Alakangas, E. | VTT | Finland | Industry Heating Fuel |
PyNe 30 | 2011 | 12 | USA – Canada collaboration on pyrolysis and upgrading of wood and forest residue | Zacher, A. | PNNL | USA | Research Fast Pyrolysis Hydro-Cracking Wood Transportation Fuel |
PyNe 30 | 2011 | 14 | Discussion on the analyses used in IEA Round Robin 2011 | Oasmaa, A. Elliott, D. | VTT PNNL | Finland USA | Research Fast Pyrolysis Analysis |
PyNe 30 | 2011 | 18 | Biofuels Research Infrastructure for Sharing Knowledge - BRISK | Bridgwater, T. | Aston University | UK | Research |
PyNe 30 | 2011 | 20 | Aerosol generation from pyrolysis of biomass by reactive boiling ejection | Dauenhauer, P. | University of Massachusetts | USA | Research Pyrolysis Analysis |
PyNe 30 | 2011 | 22 | Fast pyrolysis research at University of Southampton | Gu, S. | University of Southampton | UK | Research Fast Pyrolysis Transportation fuel |
PyNe 30 | 2011 | 27 | Lignin pyrolysis for phenols: An integral component of two biorefinery projects in Germany | Meier, D. | Institute of Wood Technology and Wood Biology (HTB) | Germany | Research Pyrolysis Hydro-Cracking Lignin |
PyNe 30 | 2011 | 29 | National Advanced Biofuels Consortium (NABC) | Holladay, J. | PNNL | USA | Industry Fast Pyrolysis Co-Refining HTL Lignin Transportation Fuel |
PyNe 30 | 2011 | 31 | Overcoming the barriers | Tooke, M. Jackson, H. | 2G BioPOWER | UK | Industry Fast Pyrolysis Waste Heating Fuel |
PyNe 30 | 2011 | 34 | Potential of fast pyrolysis applications within North American forest industries | Tews, I. | PNNL | USA | Industry Fast Pyrolysis Forest Residue Heating Fuel Transportation Fuel |
PyNe 30 | 2011 | 36 | Heterogeneously catalysed deoxygenation of pyrolysis oil in hot compressed water to produce fuel components | Armbruster, U. | University of Rostock | Germany | Research Pyrolysis Hydrodeoxygenation Demonstration Plant Wood |
PyNe 30 | 2011 | 38 | Slow pyrolysis research at the University of Edinburgh | Mašek, O. | University of Edinburgh | UK | Research Pyrolysis Pilot Plant |
PyNe 30 | 2011 | 40 | Fast pyrolysis-catalytic steam gasification of biomass in a screw kiln reactor at the University of Leeds, UK | Williams, P. Wu, C. | University of Leeds | UK | Research Fast Pyrolysis Analysis |
PyNe 31 | 2012 | 3 | Experience with firing pyrolysis oil on industrial scale | Rinket, M. Toussaint, A. | BTG | The Netherlands | Industry Pine Wood Heating Fuel |
PyNe 31 | 2012 | 5 | Green Fuel Nordic | Starck, J. | Green Fuel Nordic Oy | Finland | Industry Fast Pyrolysis Heating Fuel Transportation Fuel |
PyNe 31 | 2012 | 7 | Thin-Film Pyrolysis technique reveals high temperature cellulose chemistry | Dauenhauer, P. | PNNL | USA | Research Pyrolysis Analysis |
PyNe 31 | 2012 | 10 | Industrial-scale integrated bio-oil plant in Joensuu, Finland | Oasmaa, A. | VTT | Finland | Industry Fast Pyrolysis Heating Fuel Transportation Fuel |
PyNe 31 | 2012 | 12 | Conversion And Resource Evaluation Ltd: Experience in fast pyrolysis | Peacocke, C. | C.A.R.E. Ltd. | UK | Industry Fast Pyrolysis |
PyNe 31 | 2012 | 15 | Autothermal catalytic steam reforming of pyrolysis oil | Leijenhorst, E. | BTG | The Netherlands | Research Fast Pyrolysis Analysis |
PyNe 31 | 2012 | 18 | Biofuels program at Battelle Columbus | Abdullah, Z. | Batelle Memorial Institute | USA | Industry Fast Pyrolysis |
PyNe 31 | 2012 | 20 | Guidelines for transportation, handling and use of fast pyrolysis bio-oil | Oasmaa, A. | VTT | Finland | Research Analysis Characterisation |
PyNe 31 | 2012 | 23 | Pyrolysis research at the University of Twente | Kersten, S. | University of Twente | The Netherlands | Research Fast Pyrolysis Characterisation |
PyNe 32 | 2012 | 3 | MSU invents and files a patent on a method to increase anhydrosugar yields from lignocellulosic biomass | Steele, P. | Mississippi State University | USA | Research Fast Pyrolysis |
PyNe 32 | 2012 | 4 | Pressurized entrained flow gasification of pyrolysis oil | Leijenhorst, E. Öhrman, O. | BTG Energy Technology Center | The Netherlands Sweden | Research Pyrolysis Pine Wood Pilot Plant |
PyNe 32 | 2012 | 7 | Bio-oil application in a small gas turbine | Strenziok, R. | University of Rostock | Germany | Research Energy Production |
PyNe 32 | 2012 | 9 | The UOP Integrated BioRefinery (IBR) project | Lupton, S. | UOP | USA | Industry Pilot Plant Pyrolysis Hydrodeoxygenation Transportation Fuel |
PyNe 32 | 2012 | 11 | ‘BIOtumen’: Roofing membranes from pyrolysis oil | Heeres, H. | BTG | The Netherlands | Industry Pilot Plant |
PyNe 32 | 2012 | 13 | The impact of Miscanthus harvest time on bio-oil quality and storage | Nowakowski, D. | Aston University | UK | Research Fast Pyrolysis Miscanthus Analysis |
PyNe 32 | 2012 | 15 | Standardisation of fast pyrolysis bio-oil under CEN | Nummisalo, V. | VTT | Finland | Heating Fuel Transportation Fuel |
PyNe 32 | 2012 | 17 | Ensyn in joint venture with Brazil’s Fibria Celulose | Müller, S. | Ensyn Corporation | Canada | Industry Conception Heating Fuel Transportation Fuel |
PyNe 32 | 2012 | 19 | Fast pyrolysis development at UDT, Chile | Müller, N. Berg, A. | Universidad de Concepción | Chile | Research Fast Pyrolysis Pilot Plant Pine Sawdust |
PyNe 32 | 2012 | 21 | Biomass pyrolysis technology development at RTI International | Dayton, D. | RTI International | USA | Industry Fast Pyrolysis Transportation Fuel Hydrodeoxygenation |
PyNe 32 | 2012 | 24 | Blends of biodiesel, alcohols and pyrolysis oil | Alcala, A. | Aston University | UK | Research Transportation Fuel Characterisation Analysis |
PyNe 32 | 2012 | 27 | REACH registration of fast pyrolysis bio-oil | Kärki, S. | Fortum Power | Finland | Research Industry |
PyNe 33 | 2013 | 3 | Pyrolysis activities at the University of Maine’s Forest BioProduct Research Institute | DeSisto, W. | University of Maine | USA | Reserch Fast Pyrolysis |
PyNe 33 | 2013 | 5 | The BDI bioCRACK pilot plant at OMV refinery Schwechat | Pucher, P. | BDI | Austria | Industry Transportation Fuel Pilot Plant Pyrolysis Lignocellulosics |
PyNe 33 | 2013 | 7 | Products from fast pyrolysis of beetle-killed trees | Resende, F. | University of Washington | USA | Research Fast Pyrolysis Pine Wood Conception Characterisation |
PyNe 33 | 2013 | 9 | Direct production of gasoline and diesel from biomass using Integrated Hydropyrolysis and Hydroconversion (IH2) | Marker, T. | GTI | USA | Research Pyrolysis Hydrodeoxygenation Pilot Plant |
PyNe 33 | 2013 | 12 | Application of pyrolysis oil in the OP16 gas turbine – feasibility study | Beran, M. Axelsson, L. | OPRA Turbines | The Netherlands | Research Analysis |
PyNe 33 | 2013 | 14 | BioBoost – biomass based energy intermediates boosting bio-fuel production | Niebel, A. | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) | Germany | Industry Fast Pyrolysis Pilot Plant Transportation Fuel |
PyNe 33 | 2013 | 16 | Milkweed pyrolysis | Piskorz, J. Majerski, P. Pakdel, H. | Resource Transforms International Pyrovac Inc. | Canada | Research Fast Pyrolysis Milkweed Characterisation |
PyNe 33 | 2013 | 19 | Fractional catalytic pyrolysis of biomass research at Utah State University | Agblevor, F. | Utah State University | USA | Research Fast Pyrolysis |
PyNe 33 | 2013 | 21 | NMR methods for product quality diagnostics in bio-oil production | Raffelt, K. | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) | Germany | Research Flash Pyrolysis Analysis Characterisation |
PyNe 33 | 2013 | 24 | Biomass to diesel through pyrolysis: an update | Venderbosch, R. | BTG | The Netherlands | Research Pyrolysis Hydrodeoxygenation Transportation Fuel |
PyNe 33 | 2013 | 27 | Fast pyrolysis processing of rape straw from Spain | Nowakowski, D. Gomez, N. | Aston University | UK | Research, Fast Pyrolysis Rape Straw |
PyNe 34 | 2014 | 4 | REACH registration of fast pyrolysis bio-oil | Saari, P. | Fortum Power | Finland | Research Industry |
PyNe 34 | 2014 | 7 | Bio-oil stabilisation and upgrading by hot gas filtration | Baldwin, R. Feik, C. | NREL | USA | Research Pyrolysis |
PyNe 34 | 2014 | 10 | Initiation of standardisation of fast pyrolysis bio-oil under CEN | Nummisalo, V. | Finish Petroleum Federation | Finland | Industry Fast Pyrolysis Heating Fuel Transportation Fuel |
PyNe 34 | 2014 | 11 | FarmBio3 consortium: USDA-ARS and partners to demonstrate on-farm pyrolysis biorefining | Boateng, A. Mullen, C. | United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) | USA | Research Pyrolysis Lignocellulosics Co-Refining |
PyNe 34 | 2014 | 13 | BioBTX aims for production of aromatics by catalytic pyrolysis of biomass and plastic waste | Heeres, A. Schenk, N. Wilbers, E. Heeres, E. | BioBTX University of Groningen | The Netherlands | Research Pyrolysis Demonstration Plant |
PyNe 34 | 2014 | 15 | Pyrolysis research at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory | Iisa, K. Cieselski, N. Nimlos, R. | NREL | USA | Research Fast Pyrolysis Pilot Plant |
PyNe 34 | 2014 | 18 | Hydropyrolysis of organosolv lignin | Strüven, J. Meier, D. | Centre of Wood Science at Hamburg University | Germany | Research Fast Pyrolysis Hydrodeoxygenation Characterisation Analysis |
PyNe 34 | 2014 | 22 | Development of on-site flash pyrolysis units for stalk-like biomass | Schulzke, T. | Fraunhofer | Germany | Research Flash Pyrolysis Pilot Plant |
PyNe 34 | 2014 | 25 | Spatiotemporal profiling of wood fast pyrolysis by STR-DRiSP | Dauenhauer, P. Pfaendtner, J. | University of Massachusetts University of Washington Seattle | USA | Research Fast Pyrolysis Lignocellulosics Analysis |
PyNe 34 | 2014 | 27 | Effect of alkali metals on bio-oil from fast pyrolysis | Banks, S. | Aston University | UK | Research Fast Pyrolysis Characterisation Analysis |
PyNe 35 | 2014 | 3 | Review of developments of fast pyrolysis in mobile processing systems | Elliott, D. | PNNL | USA | Fast Pyrolysis Mobile Pyrolysis Demonstration Plant |
PyNe 35 | 2014 | 6 | Use of the Pyroformer™ in the Energy Harvest Project | Sudhakar, S. | Aston University | UK | Research Mobile Pyrolysis Straw Demonstration Fuel |
PyNe 35 | 2014 | 10 | Lignin pyrolysis in a circulating fluidised bed - influence of temperature and char holdup on product distribution | Franck, M. Hartge, E. Heinrich, S. Werther, J. | Hamburg University of Technology | Germany | Lignin Pyrolysis Mechanism GC Analysis |
PyNe 35 | 2014 | 14 | Renewable wood-based biofuels for shipping: ReShip | Toven, K. Bridgwater, T. | Oaoer and Fibre Research Institute Aston University | Norway UK | Wood Research Project Biofuel Transportation Fuel |
PyNe 35 | 2014 | 16 | Application of pyrolysis oil in the OP16 gas turbine – development of a low calorific fuel combustor | Beran, M. Axelsson, L. | OPRA Turbines | The Netherlands | Pyrolysis Oil Combustion Turbine |
PyNe 35 | 2014 | 18 | Requirements for transportation of fast pyrolysis bio-oil | Laiohanen, M. Karhunen, A. Ranta, T. | Lappeenranta University of Technology | Finland | Transportation Fast Pyrolysis Bio-Oil |
PyNe 35 | 2014 | 20 | Chemical fingerprinting of pyrolysis oil heavy ends with high-resolution mass spectrometry | Jänis, J. | University of Eastern Finland | Finland | Analysis Mass Spectrometry Characterisation GC |
PyNe 35 | 2014 | 22 | Second generation bio-oil by selective decarbonylation via catalyst-impregnated pyrolysis | Dauenhauer, P. | University of Massachusetts | USA | Pyrolysis Bio-Oil Lignocellulose |
PyNe 35 | 2014 | 24 | Production of liquid feedstock via catalytic fast pyrolysis of biomass in the presence of steam | Kantarelis, E. | KTH | Sweden | Fast Pyrolysis Steam Catalysator |
PyNe 35 | 2014 | 27 | EMPYRO: Realisation of a commercial scale, biomass fast pyrolysis plant | Muggen, G. | BTG | The Netherlands | Plant Conception Fast Pyrolysis Bio-Oil Combustion |
PyNe 35 | 2014 | 30 | In-line determination of the water content of pyrolysis oils | Girke, F. | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) | Germany | Pyrolysis Oil bioliq Synthetic Fuel Research Measurement Microwaves |
PyNe 36 | 2015 | 3 | Development of the conical spouted bed technology for biomass flash pyrolysis | Amutio, M. Lopez, G. Bilbao, J. Olazar, Martin | University of the Basque Country | Spain | Flash Pyrolysis Pinewood sawdust Pilot plant |
PyNe 36 | 2015 | 6 | Pyrolysis demonstration in Washington State | Zacher, A. | PNNL | USA | Demonstration Plant Pyrolysis Residues |
PyNe 36 | 2015 | 9 | Bio-oil hydrogenation at Iowa State University | Brown, R. Smith, R. | Iowa State University | USA | Conception Hydrogenation LTLP |
PyNe 36 | 2015 | 11 | Optimising coprocessing of bio-oil in refinery unit operations using a Davison Circulating Riser (DCR) | Zacher, A. | PNNL | USA | Evaluation Method Refinery Characterisation Hydrotreating |
PyNe 36 | 2015 | 13 | Ensyn providing RFO heating oil to New Hampshire hospitals | Graham, B. | Ensyn Corporation | USA | Conception Biofuel Combustion Project Heating Oil |
PyNe 36 | 2015 | 18 | Valmet delivers biomass based fast pyrolysis bio-oil heating plant | Kytö, M. | Valmet | Finland | Fast Pyrolysis Heating plant Conception HFO |
PyNe 37 | 2015 | 3 | Update on standardisation of fast pyrolysis bio-oils from lignocellulosic biomass | Oaasmaa, A. Van der Beld, B. Saari, P. Elliott, D. van Kruchten, S. | VTT BTG Fortum PNNL | Finland The Netherlands Finland USA | Standardisation Fast Pyrolysis FPBO CEN |
PyNe 37 | 2015 | 7 | Fieldto fuel performance testing of lignocellulosic feedstocks | Howe, D. Westover, T. Carpenter, D. | PNNL Idaho National Laboratory NREL | USA | Lignocellulose Fast Pyrolysis Hydrotreating Study Research |
PyNe 37 | 2015 | 12 | NWO: CatchBio | Kersten, S. | University of Twente | The Netherlands | Research Pyrolysis oil Cellulose |
PyNe 37 | 2015 | 14 | Transportable fast pyrolysis process for distributed conversion of waste biomass to bio-oil | Yelvington, P. | Mainstream Engineering | USA | Fast Pyrolysis Lignocellulose Waist Conception |
PyNe 37 | 2015 | 16 | Easy molecular characterisation of bio-oil via the Polyarc™ reactor | Jones, A. Dauenhauer, P. | Activated Research Company Catalysis Center for Energy Innovation | USA | Characterisation Pyrolysis Lignocellulose GC Analysis |
PyNe 37 | 2015 | 18 | IEA Round Robin on pyrolysis oil production and analysis in progress | Meier, D. | Thünen institute of Wood Research | Germany | Round Robin Analysis |
PyNe 37 | 2015 | 20 | Ablative pyrolysis surfaces for suppression of the reactive Leidenfrost effect | Dauenhauer, P. | University of Minnesota | USA | Lignocellulose Research Fast Pyrolysis |
PyNe 37 | 2015 | 22 | Ensyn bio-oil powering New Hampshire hospital | Butcher, T. | Brookhaven National Laboratory | USA | Combustion Conception Meeting Fuel |
PyNe 37 | 2015 | 24 | Opening of the EMPYRO fast pyrolysis plant | Van der Beld, B. Meulenbroek, R. | BTG | The Netherlands | Project Fast Pyrolysis Pilot Plant Meeting |
PyNe 37 | 2015 | 27 | Bamboo pyrolysis for fuels, chemicals and energy | De Wild, P. Van der Laan, R. Hanse, J. Sumbharaju, R. | ECN | The Netherlands | Pyrolysis Fuel Project Bamboo |
PyNe 37 | 2015 | 30 | In situ catalytic pyrolysis of biomass and upgrading the bio-oil to liquid hydrocarbons | Elliott, D. Santosa, D. Solantausta, Y. Paasikalio, V. Agblevor, F. | PNNL VTT Utah State University | USA Finland USA | Fast Pyrolysis Upgrading Catalytic in situ Hydrotreating |
PyNe 38 | 2015 | 3 | Scion joins IEA Bioenergy Task 34 as New Zealand representative IEA | De Miguel Mercader, F. Torr, K. | Scion | New Zealand | Fast pyrolysis Electrostatic Precipitator Characterization Pre-treatment Upgrading |
PyNe 38 | 2015 | 5 | Controlling the phase stability of biomass fast pyrolysis bio-oil | Oaasmaa, A. | VTT | Finland | Phase separation Extractives Ash ageing Carbonyl Polymerization |
PyNe 38 | 2015 | 8 | Supercritical CO2 extraction of value-added chemicals from pyrolysis liquids | Feng, Y. Meier, D. | University of Hamburg Thünen Institute of Wood Research | Germany | Separation Slow pyrolysis Fast pyrolysis Chemicals |
PyNe 38 | 2015 | 11 | Hydrothermal liquefaction of biomass, revisited | Elliott, D. | PNNL | USA | HTL Algae Biomass slurries Biocrude Hydroprocessing Waste |
PyNe 38 | 2015 | 14 | Biomass fast pyrolysis in Thailand | Pattiya, A. | Mahasarakham University | Thailand | Agricultural residues Bubbling fluidised bed Auger pyrolysis Free-fall pyrolysis Catalytic pyrolysis |
PyNe 38 | 2015 | 17 | PYROCHEM: Biopolymers 13C tracking during fast pyrolysis of biomass - A two-level mechanistic investigation | Carrier, M. Bridgwater, T. | Aston University | UK | Mechanisms Biopolymer Characterization Isotope labelling |
PyNe 38 | 2015 | 18 | Simulating the in-reactor chemistry of fast pyrolysis and the application of products | Mellin, P. | Swedush Research | Sweden | CFD Bubbling fluidized bed Two step pyrolysis Fluidizing medium, Pyrolysis for steel-making |
PyNe 38 | 2015 | 21 | Enabling innovations via thorough characterisation of pyrolysis oil | Sandström, L. Marklund, M. | SP Energy Technology Center AB | Sweden | Cyclone reactor Pilot plant Characterisation Gas chromatography, GCxGC-MS Mass spectrometry |
PyNe 38 | 2015 | 24 | Catalytic pyrolysis and bio-oil upgrading research at Heriot-Watt University | Sanna, A. | Heriot-Watt University Scotland | UK | Heterogeneous Microalgae Plastics Bubbling fluidized bed Upgrading, Hydrogenation Partial deoxygenation, Slow pyrolysis Fast pyrolysis |
PyNe 38 | 2015 | 27 | Commercial scale biomass fast pyrolysis plant built in China | Liu, R. Cai, W. Yang, Y. | Shanghai Jiao Tong University Aston University | China UK | Circulating fluidized bed Rice husk biochar Heating fuel |
PyNe 39 | 2016 | 3 | European standard for fast pyrolysis bio-oil for boilers almost finalised | Alakangas, E. | VTT | Finland | Fast Pyrolysis ESTM Analysis CEN ISO Standardisation |
PyNe 39 | 2016 | 6 | Direct liquefaction of lignin and lignocellulose by catalytic hydrogenolysis | Breunig, M. | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) | Germany | Lignin Liquefaction Mini Plant Lignocellulose |
PyNe 39 | 2016 | 9 | The HTU® Process for the Hydrothermal Conversion of Biomass | Goudriaan, Ir. F. Naber, J.E. | Biofuel B.V. | The Netherlands | HTL Pilot Plant Combustion |
PyNe 39 | 2016 | 11 | Renewable Residential Heating with Fast Pyrolysis Bio-oil: Residue2Heat | Hermanns, R. Oasmaa A. Van de Beld, B. | OWI VTT BTG | Germany Finland The Netherlands | Fast Pyrolysis Project Biofuel |
PyNe 39 | 2016 | 14 | Pyrena: pyrolysis equipment for new approaches in circulating fluidised bed catalytic pyrolysis for better bio-oil as precursor for fuels and chemicals* | De Wild, P. | ECN | The Netherlands | Pyrolysis Gasification Combustion Conception |
PyNe 39 | 2016 | 15 | Converting Biomass Pyrolysis Vapors to Fungible Hydrocarbons using a Coupled Pyrolyzer Davison Circulating Riser System | Magrini-Bair, K. | NREL | USA | Pilot Plant Hydrocarbon Biofuel |
PyNe 39 | 2016 | 17 | Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Wastewater Treatment Plant Solids | Billing, J. | PNNL | USA | HTL Wastewater Pilot Plant Conversion Sludge Analysis |
PyNe 40 | 2017 | 3 | Inorganic element transfer from biomass to pyrolysis oil | Leijenhorst, E. | BTG | The Netherlands | Minerals Ash Recovery Metals Separation Fast Pyrolysis |
PyNe 40 | 2017 | 5 | PHASR Reactor for Intrinsic Kinetics and Energetics of Biomass Pyrolysis | Dauenhauer, P. | University of Minnesota | USA | Kinetics Pyrolysis Mechanism Pulse-Heated |
PyNe 40 | 2017 | 7 | Hydrothermal liquefaction of microalgae | Lopez Barreiro, D. Prins, W. | Ghent University | Belgium | HTL Microalgae Batch Autoclave Upgrading Techno-Economics |
PyNe 40 | 2017 | 10 | Catalytic fast pyrolysis of biomass | Yildiz, G. Prins, W. Ronsse, F. | Ghent University | Belgium | Fast Pyrolysis Catalysis Process Design |
PyNe 40 | 2017 | 13 | Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Black Liquor and Lignin | Melin, K. Välimäki, A. Lehtonen, J. | VTT | Finland | HTL Black Liquor Batch Upgrading LignoHTL |
PyNe 40 | 2017 | 15 | Fractional condensation of pyrolysis vapors produced in cyclone pyrolysis | Sandström, L. Johannson, A. | SP Energy Technology Center AB | Sweden | Condensation Cyclone Pyrolysis Pilot Plant Fractionation |
PyNe 40 | 2017 | 17 | Scale-up Of Catalytic Hydrotreating of Biomass Liquefaction Products | Elliott, D. Zacher, A. Olarte, M. | PNNL | USA | Upgrading HDO Hydrotreating Fuel Properties Pilot Plant |
PyNe 40 | 2017 | 19 | Combustion Emissions from Products of a Fast-pyrolysis Pilot Reactor | Yelvington, P. | Mainstream Engineering Corporation | USA | Pilot Plant Fast Pyrolysis Combustion Blends Supercritical CO2 |
PyNe 41 | 2017 | 1 | Demonstrating sustainable bioenergy…and Scaling it up | Zacher, A. | PNNL | USA | Upscaling Biorefinig Supply Chain DTL Pyrolysis |
PyNe 41 | 2017 | 3 | Comparison of intermediate and fast pyrolysis in screw-type reactors | Funke, A. | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | Germany | Pyrolysis Transportation fuel Round Robin Analysis Comparison |
PyNe 41 | 2017 | 6 | Increasing production and isolation of phenols via pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass | Mullen, C. | USDA | USA | Phenol Lignocellulose Pyrolysis Research |
PyNe 41 | 2017 | 8 | Applications of Phenolic Oil Derived from Fast Pyrolysis | Rover, M. | Iowa State University | USA | Fast Pyrolysis Phenol Lignin Analysis |
PyNe 41 | 2017 | 11 | The use of fast pyrolysis bio-oil in a modified diesel engine | Van de Beld, B. Florijn, J. Holle, E. | BTG | The Netherlands | Fast Pyrolysis Bio-oil FPBO Combustion |
PyNe 41 | 2017 | 14 | Biorenewable calcined coke as a pyrolysis co-product | Elkasabi, Y. | USDA | USA | Calcined Coke Pyrolysis Characterization Usable Co-products |
PyNe 41 | 2017 | 16 | Continuous solvent liquefaction research at Iowa State University | Brown, R. | Iowa State University | USA | Liquefaction Pilot Plant Conception |
PyNe 41 | 2017 | 19 | Licella and the Catalytic Hydrothermal Reactor (Cat-HTR™) | Rogers, S. | Licella | Australia | Conception Fuel CHemicals Pilot Plant Comnmercialisation |
PyNe 41 | 2017 | 22 | PYRENA: PYROLYSIS EQUIPMENT FOR NEW APPROACHES | De Wild, P. | ECN | The Netherlands | Equipment Pyrolysis Combustion Fast Pyrolysis |
PyNe 42 | 2018 | 3 | The Effects of Pretreatment on the Products of Fast Pyrolysis of Pine Wood | Xin, X. De Miguel Mercader, F. | University of Canterbury Scion | New Zealand | Pretreatment Fast pyrolysis Catalytic fast pyrolysis Torrefaction Acid leaching |
PyNe 42 | 2018 | 5 | Standardization of bio-oils produced by direct thermochemical liquefaction | Alakangas, E. Oasmaa, A. Onarheim, K. | VTT | Finland | Standardization European standard CEN ASTM ISO Pyrolysis oil |
PyNe 42 | 2018 | 7 | New Zealand Biofuels Roadmap – An opportunity for fast pyrolysis and upgrading to produce biofuels | De Miguel Mercader, F. | Scion | New Zealand | Biofuels Roadmap Model Value chain Feedstock |
PyNe 42 | 2018 | 10 | Sustainability and lifecycle assessment of pyrolysis oil production and applications | Vis, M. Spekreijse, J. | BTG | The Netherlands | Lifecycle LCA Pyrolysis Sustainability RED Greenhouse Heating |
PyNe 42 | 2018 | 13 | Boosting biomass liquefaction productivity and co-processing next generation biofuels in downstream refinery processes | Onarheim, K. | VTT | Finland | Co-processing Biofuel Pyrolysis HTL FCC Refinery Upgrading Hydrotreating |
PyNe 42 | 2018 | 15 | A standard for carbonyl content determination in pyrolysis oil: ASTM Standard D3148-17 | Olarte, M. Christensen, E. Connatser, R. | PNNL NREL Oak Ridge National Laboratory | USA | Standard Method Carbonyl Pyrolysis oil Bio-oil Titration ASTM |
PyNe 42 | 2018 | 18 | Pyrolysis Oil - a Feedstock for Carbon Black Production | Wiinikka, H. Toth, P. | Rise Energy Technology Center | Sweden | Carbon black CB GCB Renewable Material Nanoparticles TEM |
PyNe 43 | 2019 | 3 | EC2Fuels: Electrocatalytic upgrading of pyrolysis liquid | Venderbosch, R. | BTG | The Netherlands | Liquids Transportation Fuel Hydrogenation Research Project |
PyNe 43 | 2019 | 6 | Progress toward Commercialization of Hydrothermal Processing | Oyler, J. | Genifuel Corporation | USA | Commercialization HTL Gasification Pilot scale system |
PyNe 43 | 2019 | 9 | Forestry and fishery residues – sustainable feedstocks for pyrolysis in rural and remote regions | Hawboldt, K. MacQarrie, S. | Process Engineering Memorial University Cape Breton University | Canada | Residues Pyrolysis |
PyNe 43 | 2019 | 12 | Identifying correlations between catalysts’ activity and deactivation characteristics for bio-oil upgrading | Persson, H. | KTH | The Netherlands | Characterization Research Upgrading |
PyNe 43 | 2019 | 14 | Biomass to Drop-In Diesel with Hydrofaction™ | Karatzos, S. Rodriguez, J. | Steeper Energy | Denmark | Transportation fuel HTL Conception Hydrofaction |
PyNe 43 | 2019 | 17 | Mission Innovation: Sustainable Biofuels Innovation Challenge | Preto, F. | Canmed | Canada | Transportation fuel Commercialization Project |
PyNe 44 | 2019 | 7 | Application of FP char ashes in soils | Probst, M. Fernandez-Delgado, M. Kurzemann, F. Gomez-Brandon, M. Insam, H. | Leopold Franzens University Innsbruck | Austria | Fast Pyrolysis Bio-Oil Analysis Fly Ash Fertilizer |
PyNe 44 | 2019 | 11 | Co-upgrading of HTL and fossil oil | Wikberg, E. Sandström, L. | Rise Energy Technology Center | Sweden | Co-Upgrading HTL Oil FCC |
PyNe 44 | 2019 | 14 | Co-processing bio-oil/ bio-crude in refineries | Wang, H. Magrini, K. Li, Z. | PNNL NREL Los Alamos National Laboratory | USA | Refineries Co-Processing HTL FCC Hydrotreating Hydrocracking |
PyNe 44 | 2019 | 18 | Choosing pumps for pyrolysis condensate: A Case study | Pfitzer, C. Niebel, A. | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | Germany | Pyrolysis Pumps Study |
PyNe 44 | 2019 | 22 | Fast pyrolysis bio-oil for small scale cogeneration in micro gas turbines | Buffi, M. Chiaramonti, D. | RE-CORD | Italy | Fast Pyrolysis Bioliquids Combustion Research |
PyNe 45 | 2019 | 3 | Consequences of using an immiscible quench fluid for engineering scale R&D in fast pyrolysis | Bronson, B. Mazerolle, D. Robinson, T. | CammetEnergy | Canada | Fast Pyrolysis FPBO Analysis GC |
PyNe 45 | 2019 | 13 | Biocarbon for metallurgical applications: An overview | Sophonrat, N. Brink, T. Sjöblom, K. | Envigas | Sweden | Wood Slow Pyrolysis Charcoal |
PyNe 45 | 2019 | 18 | BRISK2 Project – opening doors worldwide for biofuels scientists | Woods, C. | EBRI | UK | Project Biofuel Conception |
PyNe 45 | 2019 | 21 | Automated, Continuous Pyrolysis Reactor for Process Research and Optimization | Schwartz, N. | Mainstream Engineering Corporation | USA | Research Conception Pyrolysis Pyrolysis Pilot Plant |
PyNe 45 | 2019 | 24 | Hydrothermal liquefaction within a microalgae biorefinery | Guo, B. Hornung, U. Dahmen, N. | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | Germany | HTL Microalgae Research Biocrude |
PyNe 46 | 2020 | 3 | Residential heating with fast pyrolysis bio-oil | van de Beld, B., Möntmann, D., Grote, M., Rütten, T. | BTG | The Netherlands | Residential heating Project FPBO Fast Pyrolyses Demonstration plant |
PyNe 46 | 2020 | 9 | Key Observations from Fast Pyrolysis Bio-Oil Cross-Flow Microfiltrations | Mazerolle, D. | Canmet | Canada | Fast Pyrolysis FPBO Cross-flow microfiltration |
PyNe 46 | 2020 | 13 | Hydrothermal Liquefaction for the sustainable management of municipal wastewater sludge | Lewis, R. Tabulo, B. Philbrook, A. Dwyer, J. Pemberton, B. Lewis, D.M. | Queensland University of Technology | Australia | HTL Wastewater Sludge Biofuel Pilot scale Cpmmercialisation |
PyNe 46 | 2020 | 15 | Towards a pyrolysis biorefinery: Valorization strategies for the pyrolytic lignin fraction (part I) | Figueiredo, M. Deuss, P. Venderbosch, R. Heeres, H. | University of Groningen | The Netherland | Fast Pyrolysis Model Characterization |
PyNe 46 | 2020 | 19 | Fast pyrolysis of hydrolysis lignin in fluidized bed | Pienhäkkinen, E. Lindfors, C. Ohra-aho, T. Granström, T. Oaasma, A. Lehtonen, J. Yanamoto, M. | VTT | Finland | Fast Pyrolysis Lignin Pressure |
PyNe 46 | 2020 | 22 | Autothermal oxidative pyrolysis pilot plant in BioValue | Soares, R. Borsoni, L. Resende, M. Rossa, V. Fereira, R. | University of Uberlândia | Brazil | Autothermal oxidative pyrolysis Biomass residues Upgradables bio-oil Bio-char |
PyNe 47 | 2021 | 3 | Towards a pyrolysis biorefinery: Valorization strategies for the pyrolytic lignin fraction (part II) | Figueiredo, M. Deuss, P. Venderbosch, R. Heeres, H. | University of Groningen | The Netherland | Fast Pyrolysis Model Characterization |
PyNe 47 | 2021 | 6 | Results of the International Energy Agency Bioenergy Round Robin on the Analysis of Heteroatoms in Biomass Liquefaction Oils | Bulsink, P. Zacher, A. De Miguel Mercarder, F. Oasmaa, A. Sandström, L. Van de Beld, B. Dahmen, N. Funke, A. Preto, F. Bronson, B. | CanmetEnergy | Canada | Round Robin Analysis |
PyNe 47 | 2021 | 10 | More insights into hydrothermal biomass fractionation: Using a semi-batch lab reactor | Steinbach, D. Hornung, U. Kruse, A. Sauer, J. | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | Germany | hydrothermal biomass fractionation biomass conversion solid Furfural |
PyNe 48 | 2021 | 3 | Sustainable cyclo-alkanes from fast pyrolysis oil | Van de Beld, B. Heeres H. | BTG | The Netherlands | Jet fuels Combustion Fuels Hydrotreatment FPBO |
PyNe 48 | 2021 | 6 | Nature of bio-asphaltenes in hydrothermal liquefaction bio-crudes | Singh, D. Robertson, G. Toll, F. Jiang, X. Jankovic, M. Scoles, L. | National Research Council of Canada | Canada | Biocrude HTL Commercialization Upgrading |
PyNe 48 | 2021 | 9 | A novel approach for converting Black Liquor to advanced biofuel | Joronen, T. | Tampere University Finland | Finland | Fuel EU Project Upgrading Fuel |
PyNe 48 | 2021 | 13 | Advances in Fast Pyrolysis session of the Industry Track EUBCE 2021 | Van de Beld, B. Maniatis, K. | BTG EUBCE | The Netherlands Belgium | Conference |
PyNe 49 | 2021 | 3 | Sustainable aviation fuel from hydrothermal liquefaction biocrude | Castello, D. Haider, M.S. Rosendahl, L.A. | Aalborg University | Denmark | Country Report |
PyNe 49 | 2021 | 7 | Green Fuel Nordic a Finnish biorefining company | Lindfors, C. | VTT | Finland | Country Report |
PyNe 49 | 2021 | 10 | DTL related activities in Germany 2019-2021 | Funke, A. | KIT | Germany | Country Report |
PyNe 49 | 2021 | 13 | Valorization of Waste Biomass to Transportation Fuels | Kumar Singh, P. Kanna, N. Kumar, P. | Hindustan Petroleum Corp. Ltd | India | Country Report |
PyNe 49 | 2021 | 17 | The Netherlands: Development of the Bioliquids Refinery | Van de Beld, B. | BTG | The Netherlands | Country Report |
PyNe 49 | 2021 | 19 | An Emerging Pathway to Producing Biofuels in New Zealand | Torr, K. Bennett, P. | Scion | New Zealand | Country Report |
PyNe 49 | 2021 | 22 | Country report Sweden 2019 – 2021 | Sandström, L. | Rise Energy | Sweden | Country Report |
PyNe 49 | 2021 | 24 | US workshop reports on the path to sustainable aviation fuel from HTL | Billing, J. Thorson, M. | Circlia Nordic PNNL | USA | Country Report |
PyNe 50 | 2021 | 3 | Development of analytical methods and standardization | Oasmaa, A. | VTT Meier, D. | Finland Germany | History |
PyNe 50 | 2021 | 7 | Early Development of the IEA Bioenergy Collaborative Activity on Biomass Liquefaction | Elliott, D. Solantausta, Y. | USA | History | |
PyNe 50 | 2021 | 11 | PyNe and IEA Bioenergy Task 34 - 25 years in numbers and figures | Böhm, A. | KIT | Germany | History |
PyNe 51 | 2022 | 4 | Ablative fast pyrolysis demonstration project in California | Gannon, B. Eusterbrock, C. Meier, D. | Biogas Energy Bioenergy Concept thermophil international | USA Germany Germany | Fast pyrolysis Demonstration plant bio oil |
PyNe 51 | 2022 | 6 | HP-HTL Technology - Pathway for Waste Valorization and Plastic circular economy | Pedapati, C. Meesala, L. Kumar, P. | HP Green R&D Centre, Hindustan Petroleum Corp. Ltd., | India | Research Catalytic hydrothermal liquefaction of biomass, plastic circular economy biomass valorization, waste valorization co-liquefaction of ligno-cellulosic biomass and plastic, polypropylene liquefaction |
PyNe 51 | 2022 | 11 | Important commercial steps towards bio-based gasoline from pyrolysis oil | Sandström, L. | Rise Energy Technology | Sweden | Success story Pyrolysis Oil Refinery biobased Preem |
PyNe 51 | 2022 | 13 | Demonstration of the fractionation of fast pyrolysis bio-oil by liquid-liquid extraction on pilot scale | Herres, T. Ongena, R. van de Belt, B. | BGT, Biomass technology Group BV | The Netherland | Extraction Fast Pyrolysis Pilot plant FPBO |
PyNe 51 | 2022 | 17 | Upgrading of biomass pyrolysis volatiles to syngas a using 3D-printed lattice-structured catalyst in an electrified reformer | Bolivar, J. Yang, W. Lewin, T. Cao, M. | Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Kanthal AB | Sweden | Pyrolysis electrified reformer syngas production |
PyNe 51 | 2022 | 20 | Liquid organic hydrogen carrier for upgrading of pyrolysis oil – Insights from a lab-scale batch reactor study with dibenzyltoluol | Möck, D. Appelt, J. | Thünen Institute of Wood research | Germany | pyrolysis oil batch reactor polymerization LOHC hydrogenation |
PyNe 52 | 2022 | 3 | Hydrotreated pyrolysis oil for marine application: fuel production and combustion performance | Van de Beld, B, Somers, B. Han, J. Ferrari, F. | BTG University of Eindhoven Goodfuels Marine BV | The Netherlands | Marine Fuel Combustion Renewell Project |
PyNe 52 | 2022 | 8 | Optimising catalytic fast pyrolysis of wood for the production of drop-in marine biofuels | Collard, F. | Scion | New Zealand | catalyst pyrolysis marine fuels biofuels optimisation |
PyNe 52 | 2022 | 11 | Long-term continuous hydroprocessing of hydrothermal liquefaction biocrude | Haider, S. Castello, D. Rosendahl, L. | AAU Energy, Aalborg University | Denmark | HTL Project Low carb fuels biocrude hydroprocessing hydrotreating |
PyNe 52 | 2022 | 14 | Valorization of eucalyptus, giant reed Arundo, fibre sorghum and sugarcane bagasse via fast pyrolysis and subsequent bio-oil gasification | Pienihäkkinena, E. Leijenhorst, E. Lindfors, C. Lahtinen, J. Oasmaa, A. | VTT BTG | Finland The Netherlands | Fast pyrolysis bio-oil gasification syngas biomass residues |
PyNe 53 | 2023 | 3 | Driving innovations in pyrolysis and upgrading technologies | Jeaidi, J. Gagnon-Caya, G. Nguyen, L. Monnier, J. MacFarlane, C. Robinson, T. Bronson, B. Gupta, M. | Canmet | Canada | Pyrolysis, biomass residues, Carbon Dioxide, Reactors Hydrodeoxygenation |
PyNe 53 | 2023 | 7 | CoBiol-A pathway to decarbonization and public engagement at large | Marrakchi, F. Castello, D. Rosendahl, L. | Cobiol AAU Energy | Denmark | Project HTL, hydrothermal liquefaction |
PyNe 53 | 2023 | 10 | A novel rotor design based ablative centrifuge pyrolysis system | Gupta*, M. McFarlan, A. Khosa, K. Preto, F. Nguyen, L. | Canmet | Canada | centrifuge pyrolysis system, ablative reactors, Vortex, cyclone, ablative |
PyNe 53 | 2023 | 13 | A novel rotor design based ablative centrifuge pyrolysis system | Dahmen, N. | KIT | Germany | Project Refineries Future Resources renewable |
PyNe 54 | 2023 | 3 | Heat recovery and product stabilization using staged condensation of pyrolysis vapours | Gupta, M. McFarlan, A. Preto, F. | CanmetENERGY | Canada | Fast Pyrolysis Condensation Multi-Stage Modelling fluid bed |
PyNe 54 | 2023 | 7 | Conversion of biogenic waste into high quality hydrocarbons: recent progress in development of TCR-technology | Daschner, R. Onyishi, H. | Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology UMSICHT | Germany | Project Demonstration Plant sewage sludge bio crude oil red mud |
PyNe 54 | 2023 | 10 | VTT to assess bio-oils suitable for power plants and ships | Oasmaa, A. Lindfors, C. Lehtonen, J. Ohra-aho, T. Aakko-Saksa, P. Winberg, I. Nyssönen, S. Kallio, S. Vuorinen, J. Räty, H. | VTT Aumarine | Finland | Bio-Oil Upgrading FPBO HDO Stability Techno-Economic marine fuels |
PyNe 54 | 2023 | 15 | Innovative and circular production of microalgaebased fuels for shipping and aviation | Prudhomme, J. Award, S., Batini, C. | IMT Atlantique ETA Florence | France Italy | Project maritime transport HTL microalgae SAF ASTM Fermentation |
PyNe 55 | 2024 | 3 | Simulation of fast pyrolysis industrial-scale processesSimulation of fast pyrolysis industrial-scale processes using flowsheeting software | Fonseca, Frederico | KIT | Germany | FP forestry lignocellulosic simulation ash kinetic valorization |
PyNe 55 | 2024 | 7 | The bioliq project history | Dahmen, Nicolaus | KIT | Germany | Synthetic fuels pressurized liquid fuel liquefaction crude gasification pilot plant fast pyrolysis straw miscanthus |
PyNe 56 | 2024 | 3 | Recent DTL activities in Canada: 2022-2024 | Dahmen, Nicolaus | KIT | Germany | Synthetic fuels pressurized liquid fuel liquefaction crude gasification pilot plant fast pyrolysis straw miscanthus |
PyNe 56 | 2024 | 6 | Direct Thermochemical Liquefaction in Denmark 2022-2024 | Rosendahl, Lasse Castello, Daniele | University of Aalborg | Denmark | Denmark Summary |
PyNe 56 | 2024 | 9 | Valmet’s catalytic pyrolysis pilot plant ready to serve | Lindfors, Christian | VTT | Finland | Finland, Pyrolysis, Plant, Summary |
PyNe 56 | 2024 | 11 | DTL related activities in Germany 2022-2024 | Funke, Axel | KIT | Germany | Germany Summary |
PyNe 56 | 2024 | 12 | The Netherlands: Advanced biofuels from biomass via fast pyrolysis | van de Beld, Bert | BTG Biomass Technology | The Netherlands | Netherlands Summary |
PyNe 56 | 2024 | 15 | Assessing the influence of blending catalytic pyrolysis bio-oil on the compatibility of marine residual fuels | Collard, Francois-Xavier Dooley, Finn Cooke-Willis, Martin Van der Woude, Tasmann Davies, Amanda Bennett, Paul | Scion | New Zealand | Marine Biofuels FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Esters) Decarbonisation ISO 8217 Lignocellulosic Biomass Catalytic Pyrolysis VLSFO (Very Low Sulphur Fuel Oil) Blending Compatibility and Stability Sediment Formation Pyrolysis Bio-Oils |
PyNe 56 | 2024 | 19 | Workshop on Advanced Biomass Technologies: Exploring Innovation in Pyrolysis and Biofuels | van de Beld, Bert | BTG Biomass Technology | The Netherlands | Netherlands Workshop DTL Community |